I've been away for a long time. Studying and working does not leave much time for blogging. Here comes the Easter holidays so I will try to take this time to do some blogs. Be patient ith me, please.
I love you all.
Today's Word "insouciant" insouciant \in-SOO-see-uhnt\ (adjective) - Marked by lighthearted unconcern or indifference; carefree; nonchalant. "Jonas's insouciant good humor concealed something more. There was certainly nothing insouciant in his hazel eyes." -- Stephanie Laurens, 'All About Love' Insouciant is from the French, from in-, "not" + souciant, "caring," present participle of soucier, "to trouble," from Latin sollicitare, "to disturb," from sollicitus, "anxious." The noun form is insouciance