Friday, January 25, 2008


Congratulations to all the students and lecturers who survived examination week BUT IT IS NOT OVER YET!!! Now we have to sit back if w are students and wait for the grades. Oh, dear. The stress and apprehension that w feel now will be topped with the anxiety of our colleagues as we go around asking eachother about the examinations and what each of our friends did with this or that problem or question or essay.

So now we move into HELL WEEK II!!! Will it ever be over. If it is not one thing it is another and we are faced with the reality that there is only so much we can really take. Fear not, it is a natural event and your parents and grandparents went through it all too!!!

Over the next week lecturers and students will be going over the examinations papers.

Note to Students: Please make sure if there was something you did not understand that you ask the lecturer to go over it. There is still time to learn that which you didn't. It is never too late.

Note to Lecturers: Please be available, courteous and understanding to all the students. Yours is the task of guiding young minds and as such, it is you and you alone that will be able to take the students into the next level of learning. It is not an easy tak but one that you unknowingly signed up for when you decided to become lecturers.

So now we sit back and wait! But don't do so idly. Read some books, take a look at your text books and attempt the new topics that you know will come up.

As you take a break over the weekend reflect on what it is that you want for your future.
Remember you are your worst enemy. Start telling yourself you will do all those things that are positive and that can help you to excel in life.

So here comes Second Semester. It will be short and sweet. Please make sure you spend more time in the classroom and not away from it.

Yours in Pursuit of Excellence,
Ms. Brenda A. Ysaguirre
Director, CCC ACE and CJC ACE

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