Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A special time of the year is here once again and as we are all on holiday, I sit at my computer thinking about all my students- all daughters and sons to me. To those who have graduated and moved on to further their studies or have now gotten jobs, I send my love and best wishes. I have now been a teacher for 14 years and so many great minds I have helped to form into what they are today.To each and every student who has come in contact with the B, I send you all my love and best wishes during this holiday time and always.

Take time out to look back on the past and see how you can make a positive impact on your family and friends and most of all on your country. Remember, while you think you can someone is doing what they can!! So, Move it!! Just use two words that are now a part of my existence. Make it yours and you will be successful in all you set out to achieve: I CAN. YO PUEDO.

God Bless,

Ms B

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