Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Dear Students and Readers,
Life is too short as I have said time and time again in one blog or another. Live today as if it was the last day of your life. Be happy and share that happiness with everyone. Remember that Man is alone only if he chooses to be. I follow the call of love and happiness. I am here for you if you need me. That is my purpose in life.
Love Always,
Brenda A. Ysaguirre

Today's Word "limn"
limn \LIM\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To depict by drawing or painting. 2 : To portray in words; to describe. "...Her excellent memory could not limn her lover's features clearly; she had to reread his love letters to be sure that in truth he had existed, that they had loved one another and that the nights in the room of the armoires were not her invention." -- Isabel Allende, 'Daughter of Fortune' Limn is from Middle English limnen, alteration of luminen, from enluminen, from Medieval French enluminer, from Late Latin illuminare, "to illuminate," ultimately from Latin lumen, "light."

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