Monday, May 19, 2008


Dear Students,
With just one more day before your English CSEC Exam I sit before the computer at 2:10a.m. thinking that maybe I can get in one more word for you.

Good luck on the Spanish Exam today. Think before you write and try to remember all you have learnt.

Brenda A. Ysaguirre
Director, ACE

Today's Word "specious"
specious \SPEE-shuhs\ (adjective) - 1 : Apparently right; superficially fair, just, or correct, but not so in reality; as, "specious reasoning; a specious argument." 2 : Deceptively pleasing or attractive. "Our breach of hospitality went to my conscience a little; but I quickly silenced that monitor by two or three specious reasons, which served to satisfy and reconcile me to myself." -- Oliver Goldsmith, 'The Vicar of Wakefield' Specious is from Latin speciosus, from species, "appearance," from specere, "to look at."

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